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Where and How to Store Your Jewelry

How you store your jewelry depends on many different factors. My name is Elizabeth, and I'd like to teach you how to properly store your jewelry. It doesn't matter if your pieces are antique, costume or fine jewelry. There is a perfect way for that jewelry to be kept. I'll talk about storing jewelry in a way you can easily access it versus storing it as an asset. I'll also help you determine which of your jewelry needs to be kept at a specific temperature, which can withstand exposure to humidity and which you should probably be keeping in an iron box. You can store your jewelry in a way that will make your life easy in days to come. Find out how.


Little League Coaching: Advantages of Using Storage Units During the Season

16 March 2017
 Categories: , Articles

Coaching a Little League team is a great way to bond with your child, create memories, and spread your love for baseball. As a Little League coach, you have a lot of planning, equipment management, and other tasks to take care of. Before you start turning your home or vehicle into Little League headquarters, you may want to consider renting a storage unit. Self storage units have easy access and a variety of sizes that can cater to your needs during the baseball season. Read More …